W H O    W E    A R E


The Crystal Lake Community Band is a 78 member concert band consisting of adult volunteer musicians seeking an outlet for their love of music. Our members come from 27 different communities in northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin, and many have performed with the Band for decades. CLCB was founded in 1984 and from the outset, we have always sought adult members from a range of professions and prided ourselves on our ability to bring music of a consistently high level to the public. CLCB does not require auditions, and rehearses year-round on Tuesday nights.


  • To affirm the importance of the Community Concert Band in American music.
  • To contribute to the musical environment of the geographical area we serve.
  • To demonstrate the support of worthwhile cultural activities by persons from the Crystal Lake and surrounding areas, through quality performances in the areas we serve.
  • To provide a forum for the continuing music education of the band’s membership and our audiences.
  • To provide an opportunity for individual music expression, growth and fellowship among our adult musicians who make up the band’s membership.
  • To provide, free to the public, outdoor band concerts during the summer months to contribute to the cultural expansion of the community.

For over 40 years CLCB has served the community, not only as opportunity for adult amateur musicians to have an outlet for their musical expression and growth, but also to provide 8-10 concert performances each year to people from the surrounding communities. These concerts provide listeners with a broad range of musical styles to address a variety of musical tastes found in our audiences. The programs are designed to provide Arts entertainment and education to the novice and seasoned listener alike. Our concerts for the public have audiences ranging from 400- 2000 people.


Executive authority of CLCB is the responsibility of our volunteer Governing Board as described in our By-Laws. Our Board consists of seven year-round band members elected by the general membership of the band. Ex-officio members are the Band Manager/President, Music Director and Treasurer (if not an elected board member).

The Governing Board is responsible for overseeing the management of the general business of the Band, developing and approving an annual budget, establishing policy and taking all action as compatible and in the best interest of the Band.

Governing Board Members
  • Susan Sijersen - President/Band Manager
  • Michael Polyack - Treasurer
  • Ryan Kellerman - Secretary
  • Mark Bures - Board Member
  • Brittany Chally - Board Member
  • Mark Goldberg - Board Member
  • Terri Nowak - Board Member
  • Tim Reincke - Board Member
  • Kevin Sutherland - Board Member
  • Terry Grossberg - Music Director
Support Staff
* Larry Wood - Fundraising Manager
* Vicki Rundquist - Music Library Manager
* Cathy Cooper - Personnel Manager
* Caryn Kmilek - Facebook Administrator
* David Gorman - Website Development